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Gallatin County Commission Meeting Minutes February 21, 2006
Description Gallatin County Commissioners' Journal No. February 21, 2006
Date 02/21/2006 Location County Commission
Time Speaker Note
9:03:57 AM Chairman Vincent Call to Order, Moment of Silence, Pledge of Allegiance. Present were Commissioners Murdock, Skinner and Vincent, Deputy County Attorney Greg Sullivan and Acting Clerk to the Board Stephanie Young.
9:04:53 AM   There was no public comments on any matters within the Commission's jurisdiction.
9:05:10 AM Chairman Vincent Agenda Announcement: Move consent agenda #1 Approval of Claims, and Item #3, Consideration of Request for Final Plat Approval for the Green Thumb Farms Minor Subdivision to the regular agenda for further consideration, also noting that the Ingram-Clevenger contract for the completion of the restroom and adjacent space in the 3rd District Court Chambers is continued.
9:05:54 AM Commissioner Skinner Read the Consent Agenda as follows: 1. Approval of Claims- moved to the regular agenda; 2. Review and Approval of Minutes for January 31st and February 1 and 7, 2006; 3. Consideration of Request for Final Plat Approval for the Green Thumb Farms Minor Subdivision- moved to the regular agenda; 4. Approval of Budget Transfer: Detention Center and WY Hebgen Refuse District #2; 5. Approval of Contract(s): Beatty's Alder Court RID 392 Task Order; Bear Creek Property RID 391 Task Order; MOU for Yellowstone National Park Winter Use Plan for 2006; Ingram-Clevenger for the Completion of the Rest Room and Adjacent Space in the 3rd District Court Chambers-continued ; Modification to Contract with Great West Engineering for Completion of Phase II of the Hebgen Lake Estates Wastewater Mitigation Plan; Purchase and Sell Agreement for the Pogreba Snow Removal Equipment Building.
9:07:00 AM Commissioner Murdock Move to approve the amended Consent Agenda as read.
9:07:05 AM Commissioner Skinner Second
9:07:09 AM   Motion passed unanimously.
9:07:12 AM Chairman Vincent Approval of Claims
9:07:21 AM County Auditor Jennifer Blossom Claim #8047477 has been pulled from the approval of claims in the amount of $575.70, pending further investigation the new approved total is $202,771.33.
9:08:03 AM   There was no public comment.
9:08:09 AM Commissioner Murdock I move that we approve the amended claims for this week as read into the record by Jennifer Blossom the Auditor and I believe the amount is $202,771.33.
9:08:27 AM Commissioner Skinner Second
9:08:34 AM   Motion passed unanimously.
9:08:41 AM Chairman Vincent Consideration of Request for Final Plat Approval for the Green Thumb Farms Minor Subdivision
9:08:49 AM Belgrade City-County Planner Jason Karp Staff Report
9:10:55 AM Tom Henesh, Morrison-Maierle, Inc Presentation on behalf of applicant progressive properties.
9:12:15 AM Public Comment Doug Miller
9:25:32 AM Deputy County Attorney Greg Sullivan Comments and advice.
9:27:01 AM Tom Henesh, Morrison-Maierle, Inc Rebuttal
9:29:28 AM   Discussion and Questions between the Commission, Doug Miller, Greg Sullivan, Tom Henesh and Jason Karp.
9:47:03 AM Commissioner Murdock I will move that we give final plat approval to this, is it the Green Thumb Minor based on all the discussion we've had here they've met the conditions of approval. There are some other issues here that I'm very sympathetic with but their beyond the scope of the question of granting or not granting final plat approval  
9:47:27 AM Commissioner Skinner Second
9:47:34 AM   Board Discussion  
9:48:14 AM   Motion passed 2:1. Chairman Vincent opposed.
9:48:29 AM Chairman Vincent Public Hearing and Consideration for Level One Approval for the Expenditure of $150,000 from the Gallatin County Open Space Bond for the purchase of a 22-acre Park in Big Sky in Partnership with the Big Sky Community Corp.
9:48:52 AM Open Lands Coordinator Mike Harris  Presentation
9:51:55 AM Public Comment Mary Jane McGarrity and Dan Griffing.
9:55:02 AM   Discussion between the Commission and Mary Jane McGarrity.
9:58:19 AM Open Lands Coordinator Mike Harris  Comments
9:59:26 AM   Closed Public Comment.
9:59:30 AM   Board Discussion
10:01:31 AM Commissioner Murdock Move to approve Level 1 approval for the expenditure of funds for the purchase of the park in Big Sky as described by the February 14th, 2006 memo from Mike Harris and the testimony received today.
10:01:46 AM Commissioner Skinner Second
10:01:53 AM   Motion passed unanimously.
10:01:56 AM   There were no Pending Resolutions .
10:02:03 AM   Meeting Adjourned.